Call for Papers

To submit your abstract for the 2016 Intermountain West History Conference, please use the form below or submit via email to Abstracts should be a maximum of 200 words and all fields are required. 

For questions, please email 

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie Denton
    2016 Intermountain West History Conference

    As the 500th anniversary of the 95 Theses approaches, people the world over will be remembering the changes wrought by the Protestant movement. While Luther was a key player in the Reformation, he was not the only scholar responsible for the changes brought about. Artist Albrecht Durer was a contemporary as well as an admirer of Martin Luther. It is said that Durer’s work, still popular today, is reflective of the Reformation and the time period. The combination of his prints with new printing technology may be partially responsible for the spread of religious reform throughout Europe.
    The question that will be examined is: what influence did the Reformation have on Catholic-raised Albrecht Durer’s work? How are those influences expressed in his art? How did Durer’s art spread the message of the Reformation?
